
A Portrait



                               The ABC’s of Nevah Continued


                                                     Chapter 3

I felt amazing talking with him as I walked from school
After getting understanding and guidance from my dad
It’s always that way after I talk with him, doing so relieves me
Of questions, or any bad feelings that I had

When I arrived home, I helped DC with his
Homework and was happy to do it
Like dad said, 2 more marking periods, then home with mom;
I gave him his lesson with savvy AND wit

When DU got in, you could tell he was satisfied
As he saw his son interact and get his answers right
Everyone finished their homework, then ate dinner
It had the makings of an encouraging and winnable fight

While eating dinner, with reserved excitement, DU remarked,
It seems as though DC is doing as he should do
When I spoke up, that today went great and we
Were gonna do the same on Wednesdays and Fridays too

I told him our family meetings were now moved to
Tuesday’s so we would have 3 full alternating days
And after dinner when he does his lone hour of study
I will help him develop better ways to get A(s)

The next day I was the first to talk to dad but he said he wouldn’t
Talk about DC or DU today, he just wanted to talk about just his brood
And how we would have much needed father and son talks
On Mondays on my way home from school


                                                 End of Chapter 2


Growing up with your DU, I will say that he
Was not mentally deficient or really smart
But as I look with my mind’s eye, it seems
To me that he is taking this situation to heart

Me, I got my lesson in class and could practically do
My homework on the bus ride home from school
From here I can see how he wants DC to march like
A college-bound soldier that comes from his personal family jewels

What he knows is that you, like me, has the capabilities
To see his son through on some of the mountains he faces
So, “study with your own son” are words that
Will not put you in great places

Your grandma told me that he’s been hitting you
And is saying things like, I’m smart enough to be home with my brood
I can only tell you, I’m sorry, for however smart
I thought I was, when he says that, it’s true

That he hits my boy (long pause) …you and I have had rougher
Bouts wrestling, still we know his way isn’t our way
And whatever he says to you turns argumentative, I know that’s
Not you. Listen to me son, study with DC every other day

By virtue of the fact that he both flattered and
Attacked you at the same time tells me we can
Stave him off for 2 more marking periods and that
Will be much closer to being home with your mom again


Dad began by saying he couldn’t wait to talk
To us and we didn’t have much time
How he was glad we had a few minutes left
And we were gonna make it prime

To me, he said son there are things that were
Communicated today that we have to address
How everyone understands things aren’t as pleasant
As they could be but we still have to do our best

He wants us to have a powwow
For DU said things that doesn’t lead to productivity
So tomorrow after school grandma would call and we’d
Hook-up on my cellphone so we could talk, just him and me

But for our last few minutes we crammed our
Whole weekly meeting into the few minutes we had left
We finished our get-together talking about happier
Times and let tomorrow take care of itself

After school the next day I eagerly awaited grandma’s
Connection as I anticipated what dad had to say
Then all of a sudden, we were connected and stoked
To talk about the things DU sought to convey

To my horror dad immediately cut into me with
When you communicate with your uncle, you have to think it through
Trust me there is a way around this, I know…
For I’ve known him far longer than you


DU continued; he understood how I was
Disturbed by our unfortunate turn of events
But things transpired the way they did
And that’s not something he could prevent

As for him living here, one thing everybody knows
Is the boy has a good head on his shoulders
I was very excited to have him here; I wanted all
Of our boys walking around looking like college-bound soldiers

As I watched him tackle his introduction to algebra, I thought
That’s the way these children should excel
Instead, when I try to initiate the idea of everyone’s
Grade being raised, I’m kinda met with, Go To Hell

His proposition is for me to study with my own son
For myself, but I have to feed and clothe everyone
So I don’t see anything wrong with him stepping
Up for he has the capacity to make this happen, to get this done

When DU finished this subtle attack, dad began
With he had an idea, but not enough to make DC a geek
To use the format of me helping him 3 days a week for an hour
Then him for an hour on his own, should make for a productive week

He then thanked DU for adding his sons to an
Already hefty household responsibility
But before phone time was over, he didn’t want to miss
His chance to talk to mom, my little brother, and me

See You Saturday!

So Far https://2ajourney.com/home  


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