
A Portrait



                               The ABC’s of Nevah Continued



Landscaper Uncle couldn’t step up much for
He was a single father with 4 children of his own
Therefore, for at least 18 months, about 5 states away
With Store Manager uncle, would be where we belonged

Little brother and I went with DU where
We did anticipate cousins, especially the one my age
And when we saw them, I felt tension escape
From my inner pressure gauge

Next our aunt took us to register for school
Which upped my confidence for it’s where I do well
Although we were the same age, I was a grade higher
Than DC, still we all studied together; he benefitted from our counsel

Subsequently, we were studying and DU came in from work and remarked
To his son: Watch him, he thinks he’s so smart
He’s like his father, who studied at the table with my little
Brothers and I can barely tell them apart

I wanted to say something to defend dad, such as,
My dad is smart and your son will be too, on that you can bet
But it was hard to make an argument concerning studying
That didn’t last long for DU hadn’t gotten started yet

Things didn’t get any better from there
Oftentimes, I was left feeling enraged
Now I could feel the tension building up
Within my inner pressure gauge




The lesser participants, the spouses and employees
Received sentences of 1-3 years and then
The greater participants received their sentences
Which amounted to anywhere from 5-10

That meant there was an uncle in the neighboring
State and the one a few states over who were free
And an aunt who lived in our state and all the
Incarcerated parents’ children would have to stay with one of the 3

When it was mom’s turn, however minimal
She alluded to her part in those stunts
But that didn’t stop the judge’s reproof
For mom received 18 months

Enduring the year put us back into summer
Which was not like the year before
For when Distant Uncle showed up this
Summer, it was a contrast you could not ignore

Uncle flower’s wife who was not implicated at all
Moved in with grandma with their 3 children
Grandma’s 3rd daughter not implicated took her 2 sisters’
Four children, but us 2 had to go a few states over, to our chagrin

It was difficult leaving our state, the center
Of family, our social network, and school
But as everyone explained, 18 months wasn’t
Very long and adhering to that point was a useful tool


In the ensuing weeks things that were muddled
Began to be sorted out
With the documentation obtained by investigation
There came to be less and less doubt

As things moved forward different things were addressed
Such as bail, no bail, and electronic GPS
With the defense exerting misunderstanding
While the prosecution asserted a pathological process

Not to mention on a day-to-day basis
Coming into contact with those our family knew
You got everything from: I don’t believe this, to
We’re praying, to people do what they do

Then the detectives tightened screws on
One of the employees who worked for the company
Who filled in information that made things clear
And removed a lot of the deceptional debris

When the defense heard about this they went to dad and
Uncle flower, who realized they had made a mess
And the more they came to terms with the situation
The more they began to acquiesce

Then came sentencing day when the judge
Attacked the actions of grandma’s quartet
Then proceeded to dress down the lesser participants
And yes, mom too got caught in that net

See You Saturday!

So Far https://2ajourney.com/home  


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