

Most websites agree that all sexual abuse reports are under-enumerated mainly because they are under-reported.

When I read statistics on the matter, I sometimes at least double many of the given projections.

The World    I billion children across the world are exposed to violence in childhood each year. That’s over half of the world’s children age 2-17!


20% of sexual abuse victims assaults occur before the child’s 8th birthday


90% of child sexual abuse victims know the person and 40% of child sexual abuse victims are abused by older children


child sexual abuse (csa) victims are chosen because they are considered to be “easy targets.”


80,000 cases of child sexual abuse were reported in a single year. I was looking at “I Survived” and the woman said that 15 out of 16 rape victims do not report. That’s over 90% that do not report.


Child pornography and exploitation statistics. Reports of exploited children is 29 million annually which is about 80,000 per day. And the US is one of the largest producers and consumers of child pornography. Go to the bottom of the page to see “Who is being abused.” In the Canadian Centre report, it was determined that 78% of the videos and images they assessed were children under 12yo and of that 78%, 63% were under 8yo.


Interpol – More than 60% of the unidentified pre-pubescent included infants and toddlers. That’s high chair babies and babies that can’t sit up on their own. These are situations concerning child pornography when the investigators can’t identify the people on the pornography they are investigating.


Put in your browser ‘People sentenced to prison because of child pornography.” It is endless. It is large scale. They trade images like baseball cards. And then there are families in which children are abused and neglected. There are acquaintances that abuse children. There are strangers that abuse children.

1 Billion of the world’s children are exposed to violence each year. What if that’s under-rated?

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