
The Privacy Policy

We at 2AJourney/An Account of Abuse, 2AJ/AAOA, respect your privacy and is committed to protecting it through our compliance with this policy.

Personally Identifiable Information (PII)-personal information that relates to you, identifies you, or can reasonably be expected to identify you. This includes:

Name. Address. Email Address. Telephone Number. Job Title. Payment Information. Credit Card Number. Expiration Dates. Credit Card Security Codes.

Protected Health Information (PHI)-Personally Identifiable Information in relation to past, present, or future health services provided to you.

PII of Others-should you disclose the PII relating to other people to 2AJ, or our service providers in connection with our services, you represent that you have the authority to do so.

By providing us with your personal data or by using our website or Apps, you consent to our collection, use and sharing of your personal data as described in this Privacy Policy. Accordingly, we urge you to read it carefully and contact us with any questions at:



We rely on the use of cookies.  It is a text file that a website transfers to your hard drive for record-keeping purposes. When you revisit our services, the cookie allows us to recognize you, your interests and your preferences. Cookies also help to track levels of interest for your differing features and also compiles data from everyone that can help to improve our content.

You can also set your browser to reject all cookies.

By using our services, you consent to our use of cookies and similar technologies.

When you download and use our applications, we and our service providers may track and collect application usage data.

Third Party Payment Services

We may use a Third Party to process our payments or donations. Your PII may be collected by a Third Party and not by us. It will be subject to the Third Party’s Privacy Policy and not our Privacy Policy. We are not responsible for the Third Party’s collection, use, or disclosure of your PII.

Collection of Other Information

We also collect other information from you that doesn’t reveal your specific identity. This includes:

Automatically collected information such as you IP Address. Device Identifiers. Browser Types. Operating Systems. Internet Service Providers. Information Collected through Cookies. Demographic and Aggregate Information that doesn’t reveal your identity.

Location Information such as a mobile device’s GPS signal, WiFi access points, and cell towers.

We may use your device’s physical location to provide you with personalized location-based services and content. We may collect the physical location of your device by using satellite, cell tower, or WiFi systems.

How We Use Your Information

We strive to maintain your privacy, confidentiality, and security at all times. 2AJ uses information you supply to us, including PII to

  • Contact you and respond to your questions
  • Present our services and contents to you
  • Personalize your experience and inform you about the services in which you have indicated an interest
  • Comply with applicable law
  • Carry out our obligation and enforce our rights arising from any contract entered into between you and us, including for billing and collection
  • Provide you with information and services that you might request from us, including 2AJ fundraisers
  • Send you information about additional services or general wellness from us or on behalf of our affiliates
  • Prevent potentially prohibited or illegal activities in accordance with our Terms of Use
  • For purposes of human resources recruiting and processing your employment application
  • To communicate changes to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy
  • For any other purpose with your consent

The collection and use of personal data is critical to the success of most modern organizations. We collect and use your PII from or about you to:

  • Conduct and administer contests, surveys, and sweepstakes
  • Customize your experiences and identify you online, including by displaying offers and advertising tailored to your interests and/or background

Evaluate and improve our products and services; performing market research and data analytics, creating and applying data models; assessing the effectiveness of our website, apps, communications, advertising, and marketing programs

Use and Disclosures of Other Information

We may use and disclose other information for any purpose, except where we are required to do otherwise under applicable law.

Security Measures

We at 2AJ have encryption practices and security controls that meet or exceed industry standards. They are designed to help protect the confidentiality and integrity of your PII and/or PHI. We use administrative, technical, and physical security measures that are designed to protect your personal data against accidental, unlawful, or unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, access, disclosure, or use.

Your Role, Responsibility, and Risks

For our services that are secured by a username and password, you are also responsible for protecting the privacy of your credentials. To do so you should:

  • Never share your password or username
  • Always sign out when you are done with your session
  • Only use a secure web browser
  • Use common anti-virus and anti-malware tools on your system
  • Use a strong password with a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols
  • Change your password often
  • If you suspect your username or password has been compromised, change it immediately and notify us. Consequently, if you share your username and password with another person, that other person will be allowed to see your confidential medical record information. We have no responsibility concerning any breach of your confidential medical record information due to your sharing or losing your username or password

Our Third-Party Relationships

We work with Third Party vendors including those that provide products and services that we may integrate into our services. We also work with organizations that maintain our services. Our Third-Party vendor and service providers may not use your information for purposes other than those related to the services they are providing for us.

On occasion 2AJ may share the personal data you provide us with other 2AJ entities, affiliates, and/or business partners who are acting on our behalf to help us provide you with services. These relationships differ from our standard business partner relationships in which we license content or a product for integration.  Such As:

Sponsored or Co-Branded Sites

We may allow other companies to make services and/or content available to you. It may be on a sponsored or co-branded basis. To access the services on a sponsored or co-branded website, you may have to do an online registration for their site in addition to the registration you completed for us. When you provide registration information on sponsored or co-sponsored websites, data can be collected. You should read their individual privacy policies and make an informed decision on whether or not you want to use the site.

Social Media Advertising Networks

We may share personal data with social media networks to facilitate their delivery of our customized advertising or messages on their network. The limited personal data we provide as part of the network’s custom audience program (generally email addresses) facilitates the delivery of our content to the right social media user.

External Links

We present external links to other websites that we believe you may find useful; however, we do not endorse these sites. These links are provided strictly for informational purposes and are not based on any fees or reimbursements paid to 2AJ. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of the external sites. We will make every effort to inform you when you are leaving our site and encourage you to read the Privacy Policy of each site you may visit.

Privacy Choices

Communication Opt-Out

We may send you emails with information that we think may be useful, including promotions, announcements of new services and products, and newsletters on particular topics. You may opt-out of these communications at any time by checking the “Unsubscribe” link located in the footer of every email we send.

Retention Period

We will retain your PII for as long as needed or permitted in light of the purposes for which it was intended. The criteria used to determine our retention period include

  • The length of time we have a relationship with you and provide services
  • Whether there is a legal obligation to which we are subject
  • Whether retention is advisable in light of our legal position

International Users

Our services and operations are based in the United States and are not subject to law or jurisdiction of any state, country, or territory other than the United States. By using our services and providing us with your information, you understand and agree that your information may be transferred and stored on servers that are located outside of your resident jurisdiction and to the extent you are a resident of a country other than the United States, that you consent to the transfer of data to the United States for processing by us in accordance with this Privacy Policy

Changes to the Privacy Policy

From time to time, we update our Privacy Policy. When we do, we will revise the “Effective Date” and post the new Privacy Policy. Your use of our services following our changes mean that you accept the revised Privacy Policy. We recommend you review our Privacy Policy each time you visit our services to stay informed of our privacy practices.

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