

Physical Abuse

Physical Abuse Physical Abuse—any intentional act causing injury or trauma by way of bodily contact. Abuse—a misuse of power intended to harm or control another person Psychological Component Psychological    Emotional    Mental Psychological Abuse—Verbal threats, intimidation, isolation, and humiliation. Control of daily activities and money. Stalking (repeated unwanted contact). Manipulation of children in order to instill […]

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Had to Go Back

As near as I can recall, we moved to oldest brother’s house in the late Spring of ’76. School had already let out for the year and there was no travelling to and from the westside to finish out the school year. Just me and lil’ brother fully enjoying a summer. At any rate, my

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By the time I had to make sure Somebody’s son was taken and picked up from kindergarten, her husband had left her. As I entered Jr High, things changed again. Now she wanted freedom. Her desire for freedom meant that I could be sitting in class and suddenly, I would be summoned to the principal’s

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Title: Fear I did not want to title this one fear because that sounds so bad. And fear is not a bad thing. In fact, it’s a propellor. Still, sometimes, it’s a negative thing. Fear makes you try things, it makes you overcome things, or it makes you not try anything at all. Case in

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It was about this time that I called the police. There was a payphone across the street from the second apartment at 4131 West End. Clarence owned the store across the street, and it had a payphone in front of the store. I was 11 or 12 at this time and I wanted freedom, I

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Contrary to Mama

Contrary to Mama Well after the Spring of ’72, Somebody told me a story. This came from a household that was not big on Aesop’s Fables. When my mother was living, we lived at 1307 S. Tripp St. in Chicago Ill. Her story went, there was a candy house on Keeler St., the block behind

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Not Guilty!

I recently read a statement/question. It was: Why does he get to be free while I suffer from the trauma he gave me. Part 1. The definitive in the statement is free. My answer is, “because you are in prison.” Namely, because you don’t discuss your perpetrator’s dirty little secret. And you don’t discuss it

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