

Not Guilty!

I recently read a statement/question. It was: Why does he get to be free while I suffer from the trauma he gave me. Part 1. The definitive in the statement is free. My answer is, “because you are in prison.” Namely, because you don’t discuss your perpetrator’s dirty little secret. And you don’t discuss it […]

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I’m currently writing an article on confinement. As a sidebar, I’m going to talk about trust. Trust – firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength in someone or something. There is the trust of a child, a spouse or a client. And there are betrayals of trust, which leads to mistrust. Mistrust could

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A New Game

One day my little brother and I were singing a song called, once you fall in love (its heavy falling out). Somehow, it came about that he began to spell heavy, one of the words in the song. He spelled it H-E-V-Y. I was proud of that 4yo. The A hides, it is silent. He

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Where Am I

All Alone As I remember, we received beds and things from the outreach department. In the beginning 3 twin beds were lined up in that 2nd bedroom. Me, my brother, and Somebody’s son all slept in that bedroom in the beginning. The back, or maid’s bedroom was their playroom. It was a place where they

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I can remember the playgrounds at school. The place where we would congregate before school, at recess, and after school. A place to play different games could also become a place to put up your dukes. Whether one could fight well or no, the reaction to someone throwing a jab is to naturally put your

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